Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Reflecting on ECHO Field Trip

Our field trip to ECHO was probably my favorite class experience so far. The farm was amazing and I absolutely loved our quirky tour guide. ECHO provided our class with a great deal of information on sustainable, environmentally friendly farming. I especially liked how they split the farm up into geographical sections, so that they can really understand how the climate effects various farming conditions around the globe. My favorite area of the global farm was the tropical highlands section. I thought it was interesting how they placed certain plants at the foot of the hill and others at the top of the hill in order to prevent soil erosion. I also thought it was interesting to see the different methods ECHO uses to teach people how to purify water and cook sustainably. Our tour guide peddling that water pump was hysterical.

Overall, I think ECHO is a great, world-changing program. I only wish they would think about branching outside of the Christian community and agree to aid those people with different beliefs. I was raised Catholic, but was always told to help all those in need, no matter who they are, or what they believed in. Maybe it is something they could think about doing in the future. I mean, we're all living on this earth together, right?

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