Monday, March 21, 2011

Moringa oleifera

When our class was at ECHO, our tour guide mentioned what many call the "miracle tree" a number of times. He talked about all the benefits of the tree, which seemed almost too good to be true, so i decided to research it a little bit...

The Moringa oleifera-- street name: Miracle Tree, or "mothers best friend," is found in East Africa. It has numerous health as well as nutritional benefits and literally every part of the tree can be used. The pods, which hold the seeds are one of the most valuable parts of the tree.They have more of a nutritional benefit than many fruits and veggies we eat in the U.S. The tree is also being used to purify water. This is extremely important because in countries that have trouble finding clean water they have something that can help the people survive. The leaves can be eaten by mothers who are facing malnutrition, so that they can continue to breast-feed their children. The bark, flowers and roots can all be eaten as well.

The Natural News reports, "Moringa leaves contain: SEVEN times the vitamin C in oranges, FOUR times the Calcium in milk, FOUR times the vitamin A in carrots, TWO times the protein in milk and THREE times the Potassium in bananas."
Morenga is also known to help treat infections and most recently even used as a cancer treatment. These claims are not fully scientifically proven, but they are currently being tested worldwide.

Pretty cool tree, eh?

Learn more:

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