Saturday, March 26, 2011

Big Cypress Fox Squirrel

Every Saturday Morning, I volunteer at Special Equestrians Inc. with a handful of FGCU students. About a year ago, I noticed a flier in the barn that had a picture of a strange looking squirrel-like creature on it. It read: "Beware of Fox Squirrels when leading the horses. These squirrels are curious and come close. Horses may spook." The warning was there, but I never saw the real life squirrel. I was starting to think it was some kind of joke, but that all changed this morning when I was out on the sensory trail with my favorite horse, Apache.

We were warming up at the far end of the arena, when a saw a flash of red in the corner of my eye. Frolicking through the south pasture, and about the size of a small skunk, was the mysterious fox squirrel. It was bounding our way, and I was so fascinated by it, I forgot to heed the warning. It got closer, and jumped up on the fence post right next to Apache and I. The creature stood up on its hind legs and just stared back at me. It was beautiful -- massive, but beautiful, with a tanish-grey back and a bright burgundy chest. The tip of its tail and nose were white and boy, was it fat. It was only then that I realized Apache's eyes were rolling and he was yanking hard on the lead rope. Apparently, the squirrel was a threat, and Apache didn't want to be anywhere near it. The squirrel stayed frozen in place, knowing the horse was a pansy-ass, so I had to direct Apache's attention elsewhere and walk away from my squirrel friend. 

The fox squirrel hung out for most of the morning, forging among the mounds of manure in the pasture. Eventually two of his fox squirrel buddies came out to keep him company. After not seeing any fox squirrels in a whole year, I saw three in one day. Life is weird like that...

Apache (the wimpy boy)

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