Wednesday, March 16, 2011

8 a.m.on Friday Morning -- Matanzas Pass

The decision to go out and drink on the Thursday night before this glorious make-up field trip was a bad one-- very bad indeed. Being hungover in general  is not fun. Being hungover on a bus that is stuck in traffic, next to a snoring kid for an hour while the professor feebly attempts to entertain his class is worse. Much, much worse.

Matanzas Pass would have been an interesting field trip, maybe. But the conditions on  that Friday before spring break were less than ideal, and I found myself sprinting to my car after pushing my way off the bus.

The nice lady at the historic cottage gave a very interesting, timely lecture. The jam and cookies that were generously provided were greatly appreciated and I thought the day was actually looking up after the hellish bus ride. I was thrilled that we got in and out of the cottage in 30 minutes, but little did I know, my substitute professor was not going to allow a speedy exit. He lolly-gagged in the cottage for an excessive amount of time proceeding the lecture, chatting it up, while the class waited by the entrance of the trail. Once a student collected him, we made our way on to the boardwalk. And then we stopped. We stopped about every thirty yards on the trail so that my substitute professor could talk about the mangroves or try to shove something green from nature into one of our mouths. We walked for about an hour in the hot sun. My headache was pounding. I was cranky and praying the bus would come into view around the next bend. That was when the professor realized we were lost. It took a couple navigationally sound students to deliver us safely back to the bus (thank God) where I then had to endure another hour and fifteen minute traffic-laced bus ride back to campus. This time the snoring kid fell asleep leaning on my shoulder slightly. It was very uncomfortable.

This experience made me thankful for my class and my professor. They understand the concept of time and don't enjoy the sound of their own voice. Amen to that.

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