Monday, February 28, 2011

Renewal Fim Response

I really enjoyed the Renewal mini-films we watched in class. When you think environmentalism, you usually don't think of religious affiliations, and I liked this different approach. I believe religious organizations could be extremely powerful in the "green" lifestyle movement (I'm not a hippy or anything, but unless you lack a significant amount of brain cells, you know some action is necessary for the human race to survive.) Think of all the things religion has moved people to do in the past (some of these things not so great, I know, but if we think positively...) Imagine what religious leaders could accomplish if they incorporated the idea of protecting the planet in their teachings. Yes, some people might be turned off by environmental preaching, but if they used some of the techniques shown in the films we watched, there could be spectacular results. Focus on the show, not tell idea. I know I mentioned this in class, but I want to reiterate: Religious groups receive 43% of all funds donated to nonprofits by public and private sectors, which is the highest of all nonprofit groups. Environmental groups get 3% of all charitable contributions, which is the lowest of all nonprofits. If we can find merge religion with environmentalism I think it could help create a better tomorrow for future generations.

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