Saturday, February 19, 2011

Brown Cuban Anoles

Yesterday, I was at the pool and I noticed a whole lot of lizards hanging around. They were mostly big, brown, male ones that were missing their tails (I know they are male because they had those strawberry things popping out of their neck). I guess it is Anole mating season because all of a sudden these two lizards just went at each other. They had their mouths open and were biting each other and wrestling right in front of me on the concrete. It was insane! One had the other in a death grip and right when I thought to myself, "holy shit this lizard is gonna die right here in front of me," I watched him finally wriggle free. He scampered up the iron fence and high tailed it out of there. The winning lizard, who I appropriately names Thor, flexed his strawberry thing a few more times and just chilled there in front of me, probably daring the rest of the lizard world to take him on. At least the losing lizard, Henry, will grow his tail back and hopefully take Thor on again next month.
I now know the brown Anole's I saw fighting are called Cuban Anole's and they are an invasive species here in Florida. They are cannibalistic and are killing off a lot of the native Florida lizards, like the Green Anole. I can totally see this happening because they are mean, hardcore fighters. And if they aren't eating the Green Anole, they are making it hard for it to find living space. Pesky little buggers, apparently.

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