Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The Ongoing Clash of Nature and Humanity

Last month, I went up to New York for a couple job interviews in Manhattan. I was driving with my uncle to meet up with some family members for dinner, when all of a sudden he swerved off the road and  onto the shoulder. My heart was racing and I didn't really know what the heck was going on, but then I looked out of the drivers side window... There, laying in the middle of the highway, was a massive deer carcass, mangled and bloody. It was horrifying.

As it turns out, a car that was a few lengths in front of us hit the deer and ended up on the shoulder just as my uncle did. As for the gentleman who hit the deer, well, his Beamer looked just as beat up as the victim. The car was obviously totaled and the man was pissed. The whole time this was going on, I couldn't believe how gigantic the deer was. It looked as big a horse and was a very sad sight to see...I'm grateful that it died on impact.

I knew before this incident that there is a deer overpopulation problem in the northeast. Apparently, there are so many deer concentrated in that part of the U.S. and not enough grazing ground for them, that they are dying of starvation in the winter-time. It is really a tragic situation and it is why state governments are tying to extend the deer hunting season up in those areas. I'm not really sure if that's the answer, or if deer would be running ramped even if there weren't a lot of people living in that area, but either way I hope we can think of a way to help the deer population and ensure safety on the roads. Or maybe that's asking too much... who knows.

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